
Contributeurs Traducteurs

Alvaro Santana Acuña

Alvaro Santana Acuña is a sociologist and historian, and currently an Assistant Professor of Sociology at Whitman College. He received his MA in Social Sciences from the University of Chicago and PhD in Sociology from Harvard University. He studies political and cultural objects, their role in producing collectively shared meanings, and their contribution to the maintenance of long-lasting social orders. He is the author of a dozen peer-reviewed publications. He is now finishing a book on how García Márquez’s novel One Hundred Years of Solitude became a global literary classic, and is the co-editor of the volume Para una nueva sociología de las artes (forthcoming in English, Toward a New Sociology of Art). In addition to Books & Ideas and La vie des idées, his essays have appeared in The Atlantic, TIME magazine, El País, El Mundo, and Nexos, among other media.


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