Thibaud Harrois is a Senior Lecturer in British Politics at the Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3. His research focuses on British contemporary foreign and defence policy, Franco-British relations and Brexit. His PhD dissertation studied the foreign and defence policy decision-making process in the UK through the development of Franco-British cooperation and the 2011 war in Libya. His most recent article (‘Towards ‘Global Britain’? Theresa May and the UK’s Role in the World after Brexit’) was published in the Observatoire de la société britannique in 2018. He also contributed to Géraldine Gadbin-George et Juliette Ringeisen-Biardeaud (ed.), Partir en solitaire : Conséquences du Brexit aujourd’hui et demain, Paris : Éditions Panthéon-Assas, 2018 with a chapter on “Post-Brexit Britain: The Shrinking of a World Power ?”.