Daniel Steinmetz-Jenkins primarily focuses on post-World War II transatlantic intellectual and political history. His dissertation is tentatively entitled, “The Other Intellectuals : Raymond Aron and the United States : 1947-1983”. This project seeks to reorient the thought of Raymond Aron – the French sociologist and Cold War champion of liberalism – away from his decades-long critique of the French Marxists intellectual scene. Instead it portrays Aron as an early and perceptive critic of American international relations theory, neo-liberalism and debates over liberalism and the end of history. It also explores Aron’s role in the reception of American intellectual thought into France.
Daniel is currently a consulting editor and regular contributor for The Immanent Frame. His work has also appeared in Book Forum and Prospect Magazine. He teaches in the politics department at the Institut d’Études Politiques de Paris (Sciences Po) and will be a visiting researcher for the 2014-2015 academic year at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales. He has subsidiary interests in debates concerning theology, secularism and the philosophy of history.