
Eric Sangar est maître de conférences en science politique à Sciences Po Lille, chercheur au laboratoire CERAPS (Université de Lille) et chercheur associé au Centre Marc Bloch, Berlin. Il travaille notamment sur les discours de justification de la violence et les liens entre mémoires collectives et politique étrangère. Il a co-édité les ouvrages Researching Emotions in International Relations : Methodological Perspectives on the Emotional Turn (2018) et Memory Fragmentation from Below and Beyond the State : Uses of the Past in Conflict and Post-Conflict Settings (2023).

Eric Sangar is a permanent lecturer in Political Science at Sciences Po Lille, a member of the research unit CERAPS (University of Lille), and an associated researcher at the Marc Bloch Centre, Berlin. In his research he is particularly interested in legitimation discourses of political violence as well as the links between collective memories and foreign policy. He has co-edited the volumes Researching Emotions in International Relations : Methodological Perspectives on the Emotional Turn (Palgrave Macmillan, 2018) and Memory Fragmentation from Below and Beyond the State : Uses of the Past in Conflict and Post-Conflict Settings (Routledge, 2023).


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