Marlène Jouan is a lecturer in philosophy at Grenoble Alpes University, a member of the IPhiG (Grenoble Institute of Philosophy) and a junior member of the IUF. Initially devoted to the question of individual autonomy and the foundations of moral normativity, her work today focuses on reproductive autonomy and social reproduction, drawing on the resources of applied ethics, gender studies and social philosophy. In particular, she has edited the volumes Psychologie morale. Autonomie, responsabilité et rationalité pratique (Vrin, 2008) and Voies et voix du handicap (PUG, 2013); as well as co-editing with Sandra Laugier the book Comment penser l’autonomie? Entre compétences et dépendances (PUF, 2009) and with Jean-Yves Goffi the issue L’animal des Recherches sur la philosophie et le langage (Vrin, 2016). She is currently preparing a monograph entitled La gestation pour autrui: de la morale à la justice, published in 2021.