
Contributeurs Traducteurs

Catherine Rudent

An associate professor in musicology at the Paris-Sorbonne University from 2001 to 2017, Catherine Rudent is since 2017 Professor in mediation and geopolitics of music at Sorbonne Nouvelle University and a member of the CERLIS. She is the author of L’album de chansons. Entre processus social et œuvre musicale, 2011. She co-edited Made in France. Studies in Popular Music (Routledge, 2018) with Gérôme Guibert. She is also a founding member of the IASPM French-speaking branch of Europe (The International Association for the Study of Popular Music). Since 2011 she has been directing the “Popular / Amplified Popular Music” collection at Aedam Musicae. Her research focuses on the vocal styles of popular phonographic music of the second twentieth and twenty-first centuries, on the stylistic hybridizations that characterize current French music and on the role of social representations in musical practices and tastes.

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