
Contributeurs Traducteurs

Alexandre Sumpf

Alexandre Sumpf est maître de conférences en Histoire contemporaine à l’Université de Strasbourg et membre junior de l’Institut universitaire de France. Historien de la société russe et soviétique de la première moitié du XXe siècle, il a publié plusieurs monographies et articles sur l’histoire de la propagande, des conflits, de la santé et du cinéma.

Alexandre Sumpf is an alumnus of the École Normale Supérieure (Ulm) and has been an Assistant Professor at the University of Strasbourg (Modern History of Central and Oriental Europe) since 2008. His PhD dissertation addressed the issue of political education in the Soviet countryside during the 1920s.

He has published several articles on this topic and on the history of Soviet cinematography, notably, in English :

  • “Confronting the Countryside : The Training of Political Educators in 1920s Russia,” History of Education, “Making Education Soviet, 1917-1953,” n°34, July-September 2006, pp. 475-498 ;
  • “Review Essay : Corine Gaudin, Ruling Peasants,” Kritika. Explorations in Russian and Eurasian History, vol.10:3 (Summer 2009), p. 710-718 ;
  • and “Theoretical Loyalties and Claimed Solidarities in the Survey of Rural Political Educators of the 1920s,” in Loyalties and Solidarities in Russian Culture, Society and History, “Studies in Russia and Eastern Europe” series, SSEES/UCL, London, forthcoming in 2011.

He currently studies the social experience of the Great War in Russia and is involved in two collective research projects : “To teach, inform, communicate, educate. Medical and sanitary film in France, Germany and Russia, 1900-1960,” funded by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche, as well as the University of Lorraine and the University of Stasbourg ; and “Russia’s Great War and Revolution, 1914–1922 : The Centenary Reappraisal,” Prs Anthony Heywood, David MacDonald and John Steinberg (here)


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